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About Us

SnakeCity Hunyani: Conservation through education and entertainment.

Since some of my earliest memories as a five year old, I've had a fascination and a love for wildlife. One morning, a snake was killed in front of our house. I put it into a jar and my mother took me to the museum to have it identified. It was a Brown House Snake. I was told that it was harmless and could not hurt a person. This was in great contrast to how it was attacked and killed with rocks by people who genuinely feared it!

It seems this was the beginning of a lifetime of learning about and trying to conserve these creatures. I have since rescued, caught and released thousands of snakes. I'm so glad my children have also continued in this cause.

SnakeCity exists primarily to continue this goal. We have had hundreds of youngsters come though our system, and I like to believe that we have and will continue to be an influence for good in society.

So come and enjoy SnakeCity and see some of these amazing creatures.

- Clive Reid

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Hunyani - The meaning behind the name

The name Hunyani has been chosen as a means of remembering and honoring all those killed by terrorism world wide, and to honor all freedom loving people who have and do fight or oppose terrorism, tyranny and perpetrators of violent crime, and the supporters or defenders of such.

On the 3rd of September 1978, an unarmed civilian Air Rhodesia aircraft, a Viscount named Hunyani, in flight from Kariba to Salisbury, carrying men, women and children on board, was shot down by a gang of ZIPRA forces using a Russian SAM 7 missile. Of the 56 people on board, 38 perished in the crash landing. 

10 survivors, including wounded women and children, were then executed on the ground by another gang of ZIPRA forces.

This event must stand as one of the most terrible acts in modern times, along with the 9/11 events of 2001, and every other act of terror or violent crime.

May comfort be brought to those who suffer.

May charity abound in the hearts of men.

May the Light of Christ shut out the darkness of evil.

May brave men, with faith, have courage and strength to fight evil.

May truth prevail.

May peace come to the earth. 

- Clive Reid

Meet The Team


17 Voortrekker Avenue Edenvale, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa 1609


+27 62 529 6857

After hours: +27 84 916 4737


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